Successful story of Gamai h1
Humanitarian missions to provide medical care to people without access in Africa- h2
Each year, more than 2’000 surgical operations and and 8’000 dental treatments are performed free of charge for people without access in Africa.
This medical care is made possible thanks to the donations donations we receive and to the investment of 1’600 volunteers who commit themselves every year for over 40 years!
To carry out these missions, we deploy a fleet of of civilian hospital ships: the Africa Mercy and the Global Mercy.
What our humanitarian missions have achieved over the past 40 years-h2
Our latest life-changing stories in Africa
Assiatou’s Mercy Ships Story
When Aicha first started walking, her grandmother noticed that the little girl’s legs were bowing. As she grew up, she loved being with other children — even though she couldn’t […]
Assiatou’s Mercy Ships Story
When Aicha first started walking, her grandmother noticed that the little girl’s legs were bowing. As she grew up, she loved being with other children — even though she couldn’t […]
Ship of Hope
Shine TV makes popular factual television that entertains, surprises and challenges with humour and warmth.
True North
Shine TV makes popular factual television that entertains, surprises and challenges with humour and warmth.
More fascinating stories to discover now
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Ændringer i dit medlemskab: Kontingentforhøjelse
70-årige Jørgen: "Alle skulle prøve at hjælpe mennesker i nød"
Nassery spreder glæde overalt
Nytårsvision 2025: Vi vil hjælpe endnu flere mennesker med specialiseret kirurgi
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Global Mercy
"Behovet er enormt, og køerne af patienter synes uendelige. Der er så mange patienter, der lider af alvorlige medicinske problemer."
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