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Læsetid: 4 min.

“Jeg ventede bare på at dø”

Sambanys 8 kilo tunge tumor gjorde det umuligt for ham at foretage sig andet end at vågne, spise og sove. En dag blev han befriet af sit fængsel.

Sambany, en mand fra en afsidesliggende landsby i Madagaskar, havde en 8 kilo stor tumor hængende tungt fra ansigt og hals som gjorde, at han ikke kunne andet end vågne op, spise og sove i en uendelig cyklus.

”Jeg kunne ingenting” fortæller Sambany i et indlæg på en Mercy Ships’ blog. ”Jeg ventede bare på at dø.” En dag hørte han, at Africa Mercy havde kurs mod Madagaskar og ville give mulighed for gratis behandling.

Da familien så hans desperation, solgte de en rismark for at få råd til hans rejse. I to dage skiftedes fem mænd til at bære Sambany på deres rygge for at bringe ham til den nærmeste vej. Efter yderligere en opslidende køretur på seks timer nåede Sambany endelig frem til Africa Mercy.

Dr. Gary Parker og hans hold opererede på Sambany i mere end 12 timer. Da Sambany så sig selv i spejlet for første gang uden tumoren, sagde han: ”Jeg kan lide det. Jeg er lykkelig,” og tilføjede senere: ”Jeg er kureret for min lidelse. Jeg har fået et nyt ansigt. Jeg er reddet!”.

Program orthopaedic


Marie-Madeleine : histoire de nos patients H2

Marie-Madeleine est une battante qui ira sûrement loin dans la vie. Depuis toute petite, elle fait preuve d’une détermination hors norme puisqu’elle refuse que son handicap soit un frein dans son parcours scolaire en Afrique et dans sa vie professionnelle.

At 13, Marie-Madeleine has a lot going for her. Not only does she believe in the importance of a good education to achieve her dreams, but she is able to put aside her disability to get ahead in life.

Congenital malformation H3

Since she was a child, her right leg has had an abnormality that has not gone unnoticed. Due to an abnormal muscle contracture, her knee bends in the wrong direction. She develops a very peculiar gait that attracts everyone’s attention, but does not stop her in her tracks.

Against all odds, Marie-Madeleine’s childhood went well and she developed a cheerful personality. She loves going to school and walks to school every day. Despite her difference, the other children accept her and she makes many friends.

However, her family fears that the obstacles are becoming too great for her to reach her full potential. And there is not enough money for any kind of treatment! Adama, her grandmother, confirms: “As we did not have the money to hope for medical help, we waited for a miracle

Hospital Ship Intervention in Africa H3

The long-awaited miracle came true last summer. Our hospital ship Africa Mercy docked a hundred kilometres from his village, offering orthopedic surgeries entirely free of charge thanks to your donations. What more could they hope for? Adama accompanies her granddaughter to the selection of patients and gets a positive answer: Marie-Madeleine is accepted for an operation in November! From then on, the young girl enjoyed imagining what her new life would be like with two straight legs.

After 8 weeks of patience with her leg immobilised in a plaster cast, a new and crucial phase began. With her crutches removed and a large splint fitted, Marie-Madeleine can experience her first feelings of freedom and lightness. But there was no question of rushing things, because the operation was not enough to get her back on her feet. For almost twelve years, the muscles in her leg have not functioned normally, and it is essential that she strengthens her muscles so that her leg can support the weight of her teenage body.

Follow-up therapy by our volunteers H3

Surrounded by our team of volunteer physiotherapists, she is entering the final stretch of her recovery. For three months, her visits to the big tent on the quay – where the rehabilitation of our patients takes place – will gradually lead her on the right path.

Last February, a final appointment with our physiotherapists based in Africa confirmed that her leg was in good shape and that she could return home. Marie-Madeleine triumphantly gives us a double victory sign. It was a long way to go, but she crossed the finish line with a smile on her face!

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